Blasted Flat

My friend Geoff Dyer asked me if I’d join him on one of his pilgrimages to his Mecca, Ocean Beach. A source of inspiration and subject for the aging artist, who now stood at the precipice of his final chapter. After some time taking photographs and discussing light, Turner, and once again arguing the merits of CY Twombly, we journeyed to Zeehan with a stop at Henty River to take in a small section of rainforest there. After a short walk we returned to our car, only to discover the body of a man who had met his demise. We naturally alerted the police, who questioned us briefly before sending us on our way.

It was a was a surreal atmosphere after that. Not a word was spoken until we returned to the Hamer’s pub, to decompress & self-medicate. Well, not a word except for one thing. As we stood before the rusted sentinels of the Zeehan Smelters, (a one time heavyweight that had certainly seen it’s day) Geoff barked, “Paint that for the bloody Glover” before turning and walking away. I said nothing. So I did… I painted it for the bloody Glover. Cheers Geoff, I miss you mate.

Stephen Cherrie


Oil on linen