Mood Food installs levitating Dan Flavin (Red & Yellow)
“According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimate for 2011, the world consumes 87.421 million barrels of oil each day.” – accessed 24 January 2019.
A radiator on high in a locked room. Sitting in a sauna thinking about your debts. Wearing nothing to bed and unable to sleep. Overheating a cup of coffee in the microwave. Burning your tongue. Forgetting what you were doing. Wiping the sweat off your brow as you fall asleep. We’ve had a great summer so far. Record breaking dry spells, bushfires chewing away at national parks, unprecedented levels of tourists travelling around defecating in plastic bags, people scrolling through their phones in idling cars.
Property values have skyrocketed, homelessness also. Growth is great. Things are great. In the future it’s 46 degrees on the Midland Highway. You can buy electricity from the bowser; levitation exists. The majority of humankind have been abandoned on earth by the uber-rich – this is fine. Things are starting to look up again.
Alex Davern
Pigment print and vinyl on aluminium