Savage Entropy
Often the places I am drawn to are in a state of collapse. Damaged or vulnerable, there is a feeling of impermanence. Being in these places evokes personal revelation. There can be something difficult or complicated going on as in the case of the mine tailing ponds at Savage River which is both a physically and metaphysically unstable place. There is degree of disorder and chaos within this landscape that is a gift for a painter. Each thing – branch, twig, clod of mud – has its own distinct presence, relying upon a contingency with its fellow ‘things.’ This multitude of events and relationships in nature overwhelms me. I also wish to make observers of my work aware of time – experienced through the subject, in shades and textures, felt through the painterly marks and the slow process of the hand. Concentration, scrutiny, slow-time.
Nicholas Blowers
2018, Children's Choice, Highly Commended, People's Choice
oil on canvas