Sometimes life seems as it’s a long, endless uphill struggle…

Sometimes life seems as it’s a long, endless uphill struggle. Suddenly we are thinking hard about how far we have come and how far we still have to go and whether we have yet attained all that we hoped for.

My painting is not tied to a particular art movement, instead, it possesses a unique aesthetic encompassing elements of painting, drawing and storytelling that combine my Japanese heritage with Australian vernacular. Tasmanian landscape in which I have lived for 25 years searching for my personal identity – redefining my cultural identity and developing new perspective, is a symbolic material for my work. This work is the culmination of my 25 years of experience in Tasmania. All influences has become part of its imagery. Trees, light, wind, stars, animals, rivers, bush lands, paddocks, picnics, country festivals, laughs and tears, hopes and despairs… All celebrate a chaotic order and reveal the true nature of my experience. Art making has been interwoven into my personal growth as a person. It’s a source of discovery, constant challenge and pleasure to me.

Junko Go


Acrylic, oil pastel and charcoal on canvas

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